X-RAY | Oxford
We are able to provide excellent radiographic (X-RAY | Oxford) images for the clinicians offering outpatient and inpatient care at St Luke’s Hospital. We are also able to receive referrals from any practitioners and can offer competitive private rates. We are registered with major health care insurance companies and will only charge rates within their reimbursement limits.

We have particular expertise in the imaging of musculoskeletal disorders.
Radiology reports are written by specialist consultant musculoskeletal radiologists and a consultant radiologist with general medical and surgical experience. The report is available in a secure online format with easy access to the images for the referring clinician.

X-RAY Service Question and Answers
X-rays are a type of radiation known as ionising radiation. The dose of radiation used is very low and is similar in strength to other sources of natural radiation that people are exposed to every day, without even realising. The radiographer will ensure the dose is kept as low as possible and that the benefits of having the x-ray outweigh any risks.
The radiographer will ask you if you are happy for the examination to go ahead. This is called verbal consent and may only involve the radiographer checking you are booked for the correct examination. If you do not wish to have the examination or are undecided, please tell the radiographer.
It is your decision and you can change your mind at any time. Please bear in mind that not having the examination may delay your diagnosis as the doctors may not have all of the information that they need. You can ask the radiographer any questions you have at any time before, during or after your examination.
If you would like to read our consent policy, please ask a member of staff.
There are different types of x-ray. Depending on your x-ray, you may be asked to remove jewellery and/or certain items of clothing. The radiographer will ask you to move into different positions either standing, sitting or on the x-ray table to take the x-ray.
Some people might find it uncomfortable holding the correct position and/or lying on the x-ray table while the scan is carried out, but the procedure itself is painless.
In most cases, you will be allowed to go straight home, or back to the ward if you are an inpatient.
The images will be studied by a radiologist (doctor who uses x-rays to diagnose and treat illnesses) and the results will be sent to the doctor who referred you.
You may already have an appointment with the doctor who referred you. If not, please arrange one to discuss the results and any treatment you may need.
If you are an inpatient, the results will be given to the doctors looking after you on the ward.